A black and white logo for cpsoft with a website address.
A logo for cpsoft with a link to the website

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Reference Apps

A screenshot of the ada 1990 app on a cell phone.


Connecting People Software is proud to offer an app that provides valuable information and resources for the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Our app is designed to assist individuals with disabilities in understanding their rights and accessing the necessary resources. With a user-friendly interface and comprehensive content, our app aims to empower and support the ADA community. Download our app today and stay informed about the ADA on your Apple Watch.

A black and white apple logo that says download on the app store.
Child Abuse Screenshot


Contains information and resources for child abuse for individuals and professionals - including an updated telephone number database.

Has an Apple Watch App.

A black and white apple logo that says download on the app store.
Domestic Violence Screenshot


Contains information and resources for Domestic Violence victims and social workers, including onboard updated telephone number database. 

Has an Apple Watch App.

A black and white apple logo that says download on the app store.
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